by Maria Deesy | Nov 25, 2020 | Healing
Healing is an inside job, no one can heal you if you are not holding a true and complete desire to heal yourself. Those of you familiar with my work have heard me say this over and over again. Healers are amazing conduits for healing to occur, I say that as someone...
by Maria Deesy | Nov 24, 2020 | Ascension
So much is happening right now I wanted to share with you while I felt the urge to write. I’ve been in creator flow and when I’m there I’m immersed I the art of “just being”. If you asked me two years ago if I could envision feeling fearless, peaceful and ease I...
by Maria Deesy | Sep 14, 2020 | Ascension
All day yesterday into last night we had very strong Gamma Light Frequency activating our light body. Our Neurological system was getting a work out! Many were feeling it, some even shared their picture with me after I posted mine showing how Gamma can appear. As an...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 14, 2020 | Ascension
Crystalline-Plasma Rainbow light is filling our field, many are feeling these Frequency Light Upgrades first before the pineal gland opens to the visual. We are still in a corridor of intense energetic shift until 8/27. I just took this picture of Solaris bathed in...
by Maria Deesy | Jul 22, 2020 | Ascension, Healing
Our energy is our “vibrational currency”. In each moment through our thoughts, words and actions we are choosing how we spend it. Our body is the bank in which it’s held. Good thoughts, words & actions and your bank account receives deposits which raise our...