X Flares to Awaken our Souls Evolution

X Flares to Awaken our Souls Evolution

We had another X-Flare yesterday around 10:37amET. An old sun spot opened up again on the side of the sun facing the Earth. It produced an X 1.4 flare which lasted for more than an hour creating a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) after. It looks like there’s great...
X-flares over stimulating your Vegus Nerve

X-flares over stimulating your Vegus Nerve

Around May 15th we experienced 3 X class flares in the last 24 hours!!! This is overstimulating our Vegus Nerve, which is the primary vehicle for light codes to be brought into the body. Light codes enter through the occipital area at the back of the head (Mouth of...

Shifts Accelerate Our Transformation

No filter, no special effects just a conversation with the Sun in expressing my gratitude and appreciation in being able to commune together today in this moment. As I was transmitting these heartfelt feelings telepathically I saw Solaris expanding and contracting,...
Self Expression in Creator States

Self Expression in Creator States

Last nights sky was like a soft pastel painting. You can hear / feel the tranquility of zero point. I live near a major highway yet I don’t hear it when in the higher realms. This is my reality. As a collective we are going through a transformational corridor as we...
Remedies for Headaches / Migraines

Remedies for Headaches / Migraines

Crystalline-plasma light frequency… we are in an accelerated passage through the end of August. The conclusion will take place November thru December 2022. Stay present for all your creations. Be responsive not reactive which amplifies lower level distortion. Solar...
Freedom Codes & Self Mastery

Freedom Codes & Self Mastery

Happy July 4th which, for me, has represented Freedom (codes) since I felt them first active on July 4, 2019.  These codes are activating in our DNA assisting in bringing us into all new levels within ourselves. Some of you are getting called to service.  If this is...