Staying Focused Through Creation

Staying Focused Through Creation

I woke up yesterday and stepped out back to a subtle pastel rainbow sky with pink undertones activating our heart center through love and compassion of the self so that we may share that love with others. The sky was so close it felt as though I could touch the...
Are You Tuned In?

Are You Tuned In?

All day yesterday into last night we had very strong Gamma Light Frequency activating our light body. Our Neurological system was getting a work out!  Many were feeling it, some even shared their picture with me after I posted mine showing how Gamma can appear.  As an...
Earth Magnetics Shift… All is not as it seems

Earth Magnetics Shift… All is not as it seems

Sunday morning, I woke up to an awareness that I had witnessed a pole shift as I was working in the Living Library of Gaia.  I saw the oceans and land swap places with the sky, everything was flipped.  This was very powerful because the Earths magnetics have been...
Creation & Rebirth

Creation & Rebirth

Last night was painful as we cleared deep seeded wounds of our past to make room for Our / Gaia’s rebirth through our own creative forces brought forth through our conscience participation in creating through the higher timelines activating Infinity codes &...
Negative Beliefs

Negative Beliefs

How many of you are aware that your body creates a feeling through emotions that are produced in your body just like hormones?  Do you realize feelings are created by your thoughts and locked into the timelines imprinted in your field which is why you recall them so...