How many of you are aware that your body creates a feeling through emotions that are produced in your body just like hormones?  Do you realize feelings are created by your thoughts and locked into the timelines imprinted in your field which is why you recall them so easily when similar events in your life occur.  This is part of the 3D karmic loop cycle.  We run a program that will keep playing until we become aware and change it.

Negative beliefs are a product of the Ego mind to keep us stuck. Once we realize why we have them, how our feelings (emotions) feed them we can begin to see them as nothing more than a self induced hamster wheel we locked into.  All we have to do to end the cycle is take a step to change the belief, and then another step and another until we’ve walked away from that old negative belief that was holding us back.

If a negative belief pops up today look at it clearly and let it know you’re on to it’s game of keeping you stuck and take the first step to walk away…