DNA Upgrades 020521

DNA Upgrades 020521

https://mariadeesy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/97225B96-EA62-4057-A2FC-0509664D2C3F_2_0_a-2.mp4 We’ve had grey skys the last few weeks with snow, and now finally some illumination through the darkness cast by the cloud cover.  The light was iridescent rainbow...
Transcending the 3D Narrative through Self Mastery

Transcending the 3D Narrative through Self Mastery

You may have noticed a shift in the energies over this past week.  Sunday was the heaviest point as many were perceiving they had slipped back into a space of despair and sadness which they’d worked so hard to ascend from as they journeyed their way beyond the realm...
Global Activation: 3rd Strand of DNA

Global Activation: 3rd Strand of DNA

I woke up at 3am this morning, the cosmos was calling me again after two days in bed due to DNA upgrades clearing the solar plexus & sacral of the old energies, getting ready to birth a new reality beyond comprehension. I haven’t been in bed like that since...
Energy Update 12/12/20

Energy Update 12/12/20

Have you been feeling tense, anxious, like you’re about to burst then next thing you know you feel happy & blissful? This is how we are clearing the last of the deep unresolved trauma held within. Let yourself flow through it with self love and compassion, this...