Are You Tuned In?

Are You Tuned In?

All day yesterday into last night we had very strong Gamma Light Frequency activating our light body. Our Neurological system was getting a work out!  Many were feeling it, some even shared their picture with me after I posted mine showing how Gamma can appear.  As an...
Earth Magnetics Shift… All is not as it seems

Earth Magnetics Shift… All is not as it seems

Sunday morning, I woke up to an awareness that I had witnessed a pole shift as I was working in the Living Library of Gaia.  I saw the oceans and land swap places with the sky, everything was flipped.  This was very powerful because the Earths magnetics have been...
Our Sun is a Projector!

Our Sun is a Projector!

I was asked why I said the Sun is evolving into a star so I thought I would share this information with all of you. It’s the short version. Our Sun is like a gateway connected to and projecting Christ consciousness to our heart gateway. All gateways & portal exist...
Dismantling the Illusion

Dismantling the Illusion

EVERYTHING “has been” created by us in the 3rd Dimension and now we are uncreating it, DISMANTLING our old creation / reality / ILLUSION because it can not move with us into the higher timeline of 5D.‬ ‪Creation through duality & polarity can not maintain its...
They Can’t Take Our Power!

They Can’t Take Our Power!

Words are “cast” from our mouth as an energetic vibration / frequency creating our reality through our spoken words.  When we speak we are sending that message through the words we choose out to our Universe for creation in manifestation. Think about the psychological...