by Maria Deesy | Aug 18, 2020 | Ascension
Last night was painful as we cleared deep seeded wounds of our past to make room for Our / Gaia’s rebirth through our own creative forces brought forth through our conscience participation in creating through the higher timelines activating Infinity codes &...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 15, 2020 | Ascension
EVERYTHING “has been” created by us in the 3rd Dimension and now we are uncreating it, DISMANTLING our old creation / reality / ILLUSION because it can not move with us into the higher timeline of 5D. Creation through duality & polarity can not maintain its...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 14, 2020 | Ascension
Crystalline-Plasma Rainbow light is filling our field, many are feeling these Frequency Light Upgrades first before the pineal gland opens to the visual. We are still in a corridor of intense energetic shift until 8/27. I just took this picture of Solaris bathed in...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 11, 2020 | Ascension
Integrating timelines means we are aware of separation. When we take control of our reality and everything in it we can intentionally work to dissolve any separation we are holding within. We close out timelines intentionally because we recognize it as not serving our...
by Maria Deesy | Jul 22, 2020 | Ascension, Healing
Our energy is our “vibrational currency”. In each moment through our thoughts, words and actions we are choosing how we spend it. Our body is the bank in which it’s held. Good thoughts, words & actions and your bank account receives deposits which raise our...