by Maria Deesy | Aug 1, 2020 | Ascension
Messages show up in many ways, the key to receiving is 1) being present to receive, 2) realizing we are creating everything, 3) everything is here to help us. A few months ago my computer, a refurbished Dell on turbo drive, stopped printing to my brand new printer....
by Maria Deesy | Jul 22, 2020 | Ascension, Healing
Our energy is our “vibrational currency”. In each moment through our thoughts, words and actions we are choosing how we spend it. Our body is the bank in which it’s held. Good thoughts, words & actions and your bank account receives deposits which raise our...
by Maria Deesy | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
I don’t normally post the Schumann Resonance but I wanted to “show” the impact we are having on Gaia’s electromagnetic field when we choose to stay in the higher timelines. . This first pic is from today, the white out to the right has become a daily occurrence,...
by Maria Deesy | May 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
WE are moving at a rapid pace right now as the number of those awakening is rising each day. This is of great importance since the vibration of Gaia needs to continue to raise for all to meet the NEW timelines available in 5D New Earth which being offered now. This...