Happy SOULstic / SOULar Eclipse

Happy SOULstic / SOULar Eclipse

We have entered a truly magical time, the dawn of a new era is upon us. The SOULar eclipse took place in the throat chakra (separation / persecution) and Crown Chakra (Higher Consciousness). We are heading into cosmic (crown) exp like never before, Unity in the...
Here Comes the Sun!

Here Comes the Sun!

ARE YOU FEELING IT? ARE YOU READY??? I woke up this morning after a very intense dream state clearing the lower levels. There were groups of you working with me to support the collective shift we are going through right now. Traditions and how we view our lives are...
Akashic Clearing in Dreams

Akashic Clearing in Dreams

Do you know you’re doing 90% of your clearing / Alchemizing of the Akash in your dreams? Do you know that upon waking your electromagnetic field needs to readjust to the frequency you wake up thinking you need to reside in?‬  Do you realize you ‪create your experience...
5:5 Time Gates & Parallel Timelines

5:5 Time Gates & Parallel Timelines

We are in the midst of a significant shift, probably one of the biggest shifts yet.  As you know from my prior posts timelines have been merging / alchemizing and integrating to bring us all into this now moment.  We’ve healed so much over the last few years on a...
Crystalline Light Body Phase

Crystalline Light Body Phase

I wanted to share this with you, not my normal post but something that is important for ALL to be aware of as we continue to evolve beyond our physical carbon based structure into our Light Body phase, each phase presenting new aspects for us to be aware of / breathe...