by Maria Deesy | May 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
As we see the lower 3D timelines of distortion continue to dissolve through public unrest & restriction we must remember to hold the incoming light frequencies of the Solar Cosmic Christ in order to strengthen our vision of where we are heading as we navigate...
by Maria Deesy | May 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Since March 14th I’ve been writing and sharing a progression of events on the timeline unfolding as the bifurcation of 3D / 4D continues to take place. This is Ascension or The Great Awakening. It can not be stopped, the only variable in this experience is how we...
by Maria Deesy | Sep 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I wanted to share this with you, not my normal post but something that is important for ALL to be aware of as we continue to evolve beyond our physical carbon based structure into our Light Body phase, each phase presenting new aspects for us to be aware of / breathe...