by Maria Deesy | Apr 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
Happy April 1st! Pure Crystalline Light purifying our very being. Gaia is going through massive shifts / purging, which means we are doing the same. The inorganic timeline is collapsing. It can no longer sustain in the higher light. What Gaia goes through we go...
by Maria Deesy | Sep 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
I was awakened by another kundalini activation. It was strong, I could feel it ascending my spinal column. The message was to be still, surrender to the experience. When it completed I was aware we are heading into a shift within the collective as the 3D matrix...
by Maria Deesy | Feb 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
As old 3D realities fall away quickly in this higher energy (crystalline-plasma) we may suddenly feel sadness, loss, grief or like we’ve fallen out of our higher state of being into the abyss. This feels very overwhelming. These are template wipes, which make us feel...