As old 3D realities fall away quickly in this higher energy (crystalline-plasma) we may suddenly feel sadness, loss, grief or like we’ve fallen out of our higher state of being into the abyss.  This feels very overwhelming. These are template wipes, which make us feel outside ourselves, and can even create the feeling of a loss of our own identity.  We will not feel connected to our past in the same way.
What we’re really feeling is the lower levels (3D) which can not longer sustain its darkness in the light of our New Earth realm which is anchoring in 5D+.  This is at the level of the oversoul (350,000 to 650,00) which is our collective (soul family) we are tied into. As souls depart their Earth experience the oversoul vibration shifts, we feel it through our connection with our oversoul more intensified as the Earth magnetics release affecting our field.
Extreme sadness & grief could bring sudden emotional out breaks and spontaneous crying. We are going through a massive template wipe. We may feel dizzy, nauseous or lightheaded as our electromagnetic field is adjusting.  We are going Quantum, remember each is on their own timeline.
Focus on your heart and make time to tune out and go within. The 3D-5D timeline separation feels very palpable right now.  This will continue through the next few months.  Stay in your work, tune out of the outer narrative. We are doing it, do not play into the lower level fear coming up to be transmuted.  Our bodies are working overtime. Allow for plenty of rest when you can. I am here with you, we got this! I love you <3