Moon Musings

Moon Musings

Many of you had a DNA activation yesterday or last night as we quantum jumped to a New Dawn. This shift could’ve kept you up all night (gamma light frequency works our nervous system) perceiving it was the moons energy.  This is a story we have been told, the moon...
Crystalline Full Moon

Crystalline Full Moon

We are transitioning into a 9 month, 9 being a very high vibrational number, fruition, attainment, fulfillment, nearing completion.  Knowing this we must continue to hold the vision for all we desire to create as lower timelines completely dismantle.  Out with the old...
Crystalline Moon

Crystalline Moon

‪No filter, Crystalline moon beams as the moon shifts it’s logos same as our Sun.  All is shifting higher now in 5D. ‬ ‪Expect magic & miracles