by Maria Deesy | Oct 26, 2021 | Ascension, Healing
As an observer of what’s playing out in our collective reality I’m seeing one common denominator regarding this subject in both those who have elected / been forced to take the jab and those who are refusing to take it and that is a lack of PEACE in their...
by Maria Deesy | Oct 2, 2021 | Ascension, Healing
Numb arms / hands / fingers upon waking is part of the effects of Ascension upgrades. Gamma light Frequency works our neurological & Immune systems. . We will feel like the Ever-ready Rabbit on steroids and sleep will be challenging. This is our “multidimensional”...
by Maria Deesy | Jun 3, 2021 | Ascension Did you know that your body holds the grid matrix of old 3d Earth and is working hard to upgrade to 5d New Earth grids / templates on your behalf? The physical pain is our experience when our human...