144 Avatar Consciousness

144 Avatar Consciousness

September 2018 IG post I wrote when the “144 Avatar Consciousness Code” first activated.  It’s relevant now as it’s activating with the 2222 Humanity / Unity code and the Freedom Codes. ✨ 144 is the code for Avatar Consciousness, the highest expression of the divine human blueprint at the...

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“Universe…Bring me new realities!”

“Universe…Bring me new realities!”

As these energies continue to intensify our focus needs to do the same but not towards the narrative being spun. ✨ Instead we must take these intensified energies and use them to catapult ourselves into a new, more highly aligned reality that serves to fulfill our dreams. ✨ If you...

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Staying in flow…. Shift Happening

Staying in flow…. Shift Happening

We are about to shift, lots will be coming to light.  Stories will unravel so we can see the many sides some of which were until until now. . Communication is very challenging, relationships are being tested.  This is not a time to be reactive, this is a time to sit back take a breath and list to...

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Dark Chocolate + Crystalline Light Body

Dark Chocolate + Crystalline Light Body

Crystalline light frequency works the restructuring of molecules in our body which affects all glands & organs.  This is an immense process for the body as well as our human. As the cells go through a detox we feel it (symptoms), crystals (crystalline) activate to support our shift from a...

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Creation is a catalyst into 5D+

Creation is a catalyst into 5D+

My first ever soft pastel painting! Believe it or not this was a huge challenge. This pastel board is only 3x4 inches 😅 those are Sennelier pastel half sticks.  This was my challenge to myself to “stretch” myself out of any fear that I am not capable of achieving a desire, in this case my...

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Joy Light Codes

Joy Light Codes

JOY🌈… our Universe brings us messages in magical ways when we are present and open to receiving.  I was feeling very joyful this day as I was sitting out back in my gravity chair speaking words of love and appreciation to my Universe.  It answered back with light codes mirroring my...

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