Energy / Stargate Update 03:15:21

Energy / Stargate Update 03:15:21

A Startgate opened Friday, March 12th that is leading us into our Equinox passageway March 20th which is going to be much different this year than years passed. You may be feeling it more than you ever have due to the Earth’s magnetic field constantly in flux.  These...
Trancending der 3D Narative durch Selbstbeherrschung

Trancending der 3D Narative durch Selbstbeherrschung

Möglicherweise habt ihr in der vergangenen Woche eine Verschiebung der Energien bemerkt. Der Sonntag war der schwierigste Zeitpunkt, da für viele wahrnehmbar war, dass sie in einen Raum der Verzweiflung und Traurigkeit zurückgekehrt sind. Dabei habt ihr so hart daran...
Does it feel like Spring??

Does it feel like Spring??

Does it feel like Spring? Does it feel like the flowers and trees should be in full bloom? Are you hearing birds sing as if it were spring time?  If your answer to the above questions is “YES!!” Welcome to 5D consciousness. I woke up this morning feeling the...