Numbness waking up

Numbness waking up

Numb arms / hands / fingers upon waking is part of the effects of Ascension upgrades. Gamma light Frequency works our neurological & Immune systems. . We will feel like the Ever-ready Rabbit on steroids and sleep will be challenging. This is our “multidimensional”...
Shifting to NEW Realities

Shifting to NEW Realities What does it mean to shift into a new reality?  How will we know when we’re there?  This can feel overwhelming if you don’t know the subtlety in how it all works energetically.  Hear...
When will this shift / Ascension end?

When will this shift / Ascension end?

I’m repeatedly asked “when is this shifting / Ascension going to end?” My answer is always the same “Never, we’re in for as long as we choose to be in our physical body.” That answer is probably not the one you want to hear, however it’s the truth.  We are doing...
Faerie portal

Faerie portal

My girl Mush is a faerie.  She takes care of the land around our house. Yesterday I was sitting with her & watched her open a portal, you can see the rainbow bands of light around her neck.  She never wants to be indoors, loves being out 24/7 doing her grid...
Light keeping

Light keeping

Do you lead with your light, holding light, keeping your light so bright that others desiring to know / stand in / ignite their own light / be light can see the way to do that from within themselves? This Keeper of the Light knows the way.  She shows the way through...