Our Sun is a Projector!

Our Sun is a Projector!

I was asked why I said the Sun is evolving into a star so I thought I would share this information with all of you. It’s the short version. Our Sun is like a gateway connected to and projecting Christ consciousness to our heart gateway. All gateways & portal exist...
Crystalline-Rainbow Plasma light codes

Crystalline-Rainbow Plasma light codes

I finished my YouTube video earlier and sat outside on a quick break when I saw this appear above my head.  The rainbow light hadn’t fully manifested but I waited patiently as my Universe complied with my desire to see a rainbow. Crystalline-Rainbow Plasma light codes...
Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

Energy can not lie, it is created based on where you are placing your Intention (electric) and Emotions (magnetic) which combine in your state of being, creating an electromagnetic signature telling the Quantum Field of infinite potential what to match to your energy...
Creation & Rebirth

Creation & Rebirth

Last night was painful as we cleared deep seeded wounds of our past to make room for Our / Gaia’s rebirth through our own creative forces brought forth through our conscience participation in creating through the higher timelines activating Infinity codes &...