by Maria Deesy | Jan 27, 2021 | Ascension
You may have noticed a shift in the energies over this past week. Sunday was the heaviest point as many were perceiving they had slipped back into a space of despair and sadness which they’d worked so hard to ascend from as they journeyed their way beyond the realm...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 21, 2020 | Ascension
I finished my YouTube video earlier and sat outside on a quick break when I saw this appear above my head. The rainbow light hadn’t fully manifested but I waited patiently as my Universe complied with my desire to see a rainbow. Crystalline-Rainbow Plasma light codes...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 15, 2020 | Ascension
EVERYTHING “has been” created by us in the 3rd Dimension and now we are uncreating it, DISMANTLING our old creation / reality / ILLUSION because it can not move with us into the higher timeline of 5D. Creation through duality & polarity can not maintain its...
by Maria Deesy | Jun 16, 2020 | Ascension
The sky last night was absolutely amazing! Lots of Plasma / Rainbow light frequency turning the clouds Salmon Pink! Tune in to the sky, we are going to see lots of amazing coming our way 🙂