This is the Schumann report, do you see it? Christ with open arms for each of us!

This is so validating for me as I was sitting out back in the sun yesterday for a few minutes between sessions when Solaris showed me the golden rays amplifying the experience of awakening within every heart / soul on the planet. Then I saw New Earth with millions of hands holding her in love. This is where we are right now. The energy field of everyone on our planet is receiving massive amounts of light to support our Ascension. As I mentioned in my latest video these next weeks will be full of twist & turns in the narrative. Our job is to continue to open our heart and hold the light, that’s it.

Focus on love, be love starting with yourself first so you can be light by which others will find their way. In every moment no matter where we are we are light, and how we hold our light is the key so let’s continue to raise the bar, support Gaia and humanity, let go of judgement and hold our light through our Divine expression of LOVE and love everyone no matter what!

Holding light and so much love you you!