Through sadness we heal.  Sadness allows our body to release layers of generational and ancestral imprinting that ties us to blame, shame, guilt etc which make up the conclusions we form about ourselves which keep us stuck.
When we can see Sadness as a process through which healing can happen we can release ourselves from the burdens of unreasonable perfection we’ve placed upon ourselves by allowing ourselves to experience our own sadness without judgment to right, wrong, good or bad.
During our deepest sadness it’s important to have the clarity that our conclusions about ourselves are a byproduct of distorted perceptions… this means that not everything in our life is a reflection of or about us. Much of what we’re feeling, believing to be ours, is really the process of empathing the collective.
When we become aware we’re empathing the collective and not all the sadness we’re feeling is ours we can see why it’s so important to do our own personal healing and walk through our process no matter how painful we believe it to be.  Perception at play here due to collective insourcing (empathing).
When we serve our own healing journey we are serving the healing journey of the collective as well as Gaia, every planet, being etc.  It starts with us. This awareness can help us release our own self judgment to see the bigger picture at play.  We are truly all in this together, no separation, no division… United we stand.  I love you ❤️