I took several pictures of the Sun earlier and couldn’t get one that wasn’t out of focus, not because my camera wasn’t working, but because the intensity of these light frequencies coming in now is amplified between the Solar Eclipse on the 10th and the Solstice on the 20th.
What is currently “out of focus” or distorted in some way will become clear during the weeks ahead as we move more deeply Into these higher frequencies.  We are in a period of Revelation, both on a global level as well as in our personal lives.  This will cause a bit of upheaval within the collective as many try to hang on to the old instead of flowing into all new everything.  Anything created in the lower frequency of 3D will not be able to sustain, it must shift into a higher vibration or deconstruct.
How do we move through this challenging time? We go inward, tuning in to our reality to see what we are still clinging to refusing to give up.  Focusing inward gives us an opportunity to connect to our own inner revelations in order to allow ourselves to release any lower level distortion no longer serving our highest good. This can be places, things, people, beliefs, programs etc.
Next, forgive where forgiveness is needed. I’ve been challenged this past week with my neighbors relative who’s been staying with them parking in a way that block my driveway. This is a constant problem with this neighbor. I used it as an opportunity to go deeper and see my own creation in that situation.  When I realized I telepathically thanked his soul, sending him and myself love and forgiveness for needing to play that out in a physical way (no contact or words were exchanged, only energy).  He left last night. I do not need that experience again as I feel clear in my heart, which opened a smidge more in that process.  It was my need for another to show up different, I let go of judgement and it immediately shifted.
In each moment we are creating our reality, every breath, word, thought and action sets into motion our intention towards whatever holds our attention.  We do it unconsciously, yes for a second in that scenario I engaged my human, fell asleep, and went unconscious to what I was creating as I stepped into 3D.  It’s so uncomfortable I can not stay there long, it wakes me right up because it feels like I can’t breathe or swallow. Once I pulled myself back it resolved and I was back on my higher timeline.
We must be present to witness where we are creating, the lower timeline will no longer support us.  The light quotient in our body is too high.  It will be uncomfortable, we can create physical challenges for ourselves much easier / faster.  If you are going through DNA upgrades call them that and not symptoms, symptoms carries lack consciousness.  We must pay attention to everything we are creating now. Upgrades allows our body to integrate the energy more easily. Symptoms keeps us in suffering.  We get to choose each step of the way.
Everything is about to shift. I woke up the other morning hearing we were in a “rite of passage”.  This is where we fully step into the Golden Age from the Piscean lead age, we will never fall to that level again. This is an amazing time, stay focused on the higher timelines and anchor these new light codes in to support this collective shift. Get outside and get some sun, stay hydrated and rest when needed. We are doing it! I love you ❤️