by Maria Deesy | Sep 7, 2020 | Ascension
More Iridescent Rainbow light in the sky & clouds💫🌈🤩 I ventured out and stopped to catch the magic. Please ignore the power lines and see beyond the distraction, that was the only clear shot I had due to being in a heavily treed...
by Maria Deesy | Sep 7, 2020 | Ascension
Incredible energy we are in! Iridescent-Rainbow Light Frequency 🌈🤩 Timelines are moving so fast I’ve been anchoring light & unable to write. I will be posting an energy update in the next day or so. Holding you all in love...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Universe speaks to us in each moment of everything we do. I made the post last night about September energy and woke up to this email this morning. 😁 Are you ready for magical everything? I say “yes, thank you very much Universe! Bring it!”...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 29, 2020 | Ascension
We are transitioning into a 9 month, 9 being a very high vibrational number, fruition, attainment, fulfillment, nearing completion. Knowing this we must continue to hold the vision for all we desire to create as lower timelines completely dismantle. Out with the old...
by Maria Deesy | Aug 25, 2020 | Ascension
You all know how much I love rainbows 🌈 😁 I was driving home from dinner and it started to rain, I could “feel” my rainbow and magically it appeared. I pulled over, and took this pic quickly because I didn’t wanna make the people living in this house...