Happy SOULstic!  We are here, making history in this moment for our conscious evolution with our beloved Gaia!
Today we shift into a higher timeline if we choose, opening our heart to its greatest capacity for love.  No one is left behind however each must choose to step up.
The lower 3D imprints (timelines) of distortion are literally pulling out of our field in the strongest way.  You may be feeling back pain / aches as the 33 SOULar discs in your spine have activated in order for us to release our tie to the inflexible ridged fear laden infrastructure of 3D which held no support for us, all power was removed. We played under the mindset that we were not abundant, sovereign or whole.  We gave our power away freely because we didn’t know any better, we diminished our self worth tying into the paradigms built for us rather than by us.  All of that is pulling out now, the back may feel achy.
Knees and legs in general are also affected as the lower 3 chakras clear their ties to 3D timelines as we shift our foothold from 3D Earth to 5D New Earth.  This is an “un-grounding” / detaching to ground into the new higher frequency of 5D New Earth.  We can no longer ground anchoring our roots, that’s the old way, old Earth.  Now we activate 5D New Earth through our presence connecting with her telepathically through our state of being.  There is no effort.  Are you seeing how it works?
Old ways, habits, patterns, rituals, routines have to go.  I’ve been writing about this talking about this the last few years.  Those things are “fixed” in the 3D matrix of limitations.  BE unlimited, THINK unlimited, FEEL unlimited!!
Everyday for months I wake up to the song “Unstoppable”, which has become my mantra… I AM UNSTOPPABLE, how about you? 🙋🏼‍♀️
Just for today let’s all be Unstoppable in pursuit of our freedom, our sovereignty, our desire to be / do the things that sets our SOUL on fire… just for today. We’ll worry about tomorrow when we wake up tomorrow. Deal??? I love you ❤️
#ascension #unstoppable #freedom #sovereign #lightcodes #dnaactivation #dnaupgrade 👉🏻NOT #ascensionsymptoms #newearth #s