EVERYTHING “has been” created by us in the 3rd Dimension and now we are uncreating it, DISMANTLING our old creation / reality / ILLUSION because it can not move with us into the higher timeline of 5D.
Creation through duality & polarity can not maintain its frequency, it pulls apart which is really “us”, our human pulling apart because the new frequencies are asking us to go against everything we know & believe of our creation in 3D.
Pulling out of the matrix requires all new ways of BEing, we must learn to share, care, love and believe again. Our templates are wiped through upgrades and we begin to see / experience new ways of being / thinking / feeling. We are able to see our creation, all of it even the pain & suffering we’ve caused ourselves through our belief that pain & suffering must be felt.
We must open our heart and allow ourselves to begin to see the old reality we created is not our truth so we can choose a better, more aligned reality with our desires.
We Keep our heart open to new experiences. When we feel threatened by something new wanting to replace something old and feel resistance, that is EGO wanting to stay in the game which keeps US in the game. Challenge your belief system and look to accept the easier path.
5D is unity consciousness. We do not struggle, that is below in the old matrix. We must allow ourselves to be creative and let go of anything confining us so we can become present moving into expansion and stay present never abandoning ourselves to a false belief again.
Be everything you desire and more, enjoy these energies this day, you will never have today’s experience again