Are you feeling a sense of lethargy, perhaps feeling detached from yourself or your life as well as your routine or work? Are you feeling like you’re suddenly unsure of who you are because things do not feel the same to you? Are you noticing feelings of sadness or longing for something else but you’re unsure of what that something else is? If the answer is yes then you’re most likely experiencing an awakening to the Divine within you. When this happens it allows more of our soul self to merge with our human vessel and we begin to feel less of our old self but not quite fully aligned with our new sense of self. If this is you, please join me as I explain whats taking place.
The time stamp of 22:22 occurred naturally, no altering on my part. 2222 is the “Humanity Code” and each time this code activates it uniquely brings through a new aspect needed with in the collective experience for the next wave of awakening.
Even if you are not feeling the above described experience feel free to listen and receive the activation of the Humanity code within this transmission for the purpose of activating the Divine template / blueprint within you.