Our sun is amplified as these cosmic light frequencies intensify. I know many of you are feeling it deeply to the point of discomfort in your physical body. It may not present as an ache or pain, but rather a feeling of discomfort.
The physical body will feel as if it’s vibrating from within. This can also feel uncomfortable until we adjust to this full body activation which is allowing our higher self to descend more fully. This is a process which occurs over time. Letting go of the 3D subscription to ascension “symptoms” or the need to find a medical “diagnosis” of what is occurring is important as that energy, “the need to know”, is RESISTANCE which only causes more discomfort and pain. Surrendering to “what is” is the key.
The greatest gift we can give ourselves is presence as it’s becoming increasingly important to see any distortion we are creating through misaligned thoughts, words and actions. These energies will compound and magnify anything not of Divine order. Are you still playing in the habits, patterns, rituals, behaviors etc of 3D? If it was created / born there leave it there as it can not serve our 5D creator states.
What choices are you making? Are they conscious? Higher aligned? Are they ego driven or heart centered? Are they serving the one or are they serving to amplify the experience with the collective (Unity).
Pay attention to your thoughts, words and actions in order to bring creation through the higher reams. Nurture your body, self care / self love is critical.
We can check in by asking ourselves “is what I’m bringing forth coming from the living space of my heart or ego?” in order to bring greater clarity to our creations and Divine order to our reality.
These next two weeks will have us soaring to new heights. You may not feel it yet, eventually you will. Stay focused, support yourself and each other. We are there! Let the appearance of the outer world collapse as it can’t sustain in these higher frequencies. Instead of focusing there look for the magic, it’s right in front of you, call it in! I love you ❤️ … #ascension
Note: This picture is from Saturday, Jan 8th.