X Flares to Awaken our Souls Evolution

X Flares to Awaken our Souls Evolution

We had another X-Flare yesterday around 10:37amET. An old sun spot opened up again on the side of the sun facing the Earth. It produced an X 1.4 flare which lasted for more than an hour creating a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) after. It looks like there’s great...
X-flares over stimulating your Vegus Nerve

X-flares over stimulating your Vegus Nerve

Around May 15th we experienced 3 X class flares in the last 24 hours!!! This is overstimulating our Vegus Nerve, which is the primary vehicle for light codes to be brought into the body. Light codes enter through the occipital area at the back of the head (Mouth of...