Announcing our New Monthly Series “Accessing Your Inner Healer”
In this new series, “Accessing Your Inner Healer” we will be talking more about our energetic body, how/why we get sick and how to heal. This series will include a deep dive into Energy as Medicine, how our energy body works, how energy gets blocked, as well as identifying the cause/trigger/source of the illness along with ways in which we can approach healing. As always, your interaction and questions are highly encouraged.
The goal of this community has always been to provide a safe, sacred space where each can be on their individual and unique Ascension path and yet come together as a community to expand our consciousness in Unity and receive the necessary tools to immerse yourself in order to achieve a life that is abundant and fulfilling where you get to choose your reality in each moment.
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Announcing our New Monthly Series “Accessing Your Inner Healer”
In this new series, “Accessing Your Inner Healer” we will be talking more about our energetic body, how/why we get sick and how to heal. The goal of this community has always been to provide a safe, sacred space where each can be on their individual and unique Ascension path and yet come together as a community to expand our consciousness in Unity and receive the necessary tools to immerse yourself in order to achieve a life that is abundant and fulfilling where you get to choose your reality in each moment.
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Maria Deesy
Transformation Alchemist, Energy Intuitive, Herbalist
A Message from Maria
Hi! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to see what I’m up to. Things are moving so fast now–we’re all feeling it in one way or another. Let me ask you a question before I tell you about me. How are you feeling? Are you having trouble with recurring health issues, toxic relationships, or abundance lack? Are you in your own healing business but not attracting in the clients to sustain you? When we work together I look at what’s blocking you so we can remove the Generational Imprints, Limiting Beliefs, Outdated Programs, and Karmic Ties/Relationships to give you the life you truly desire.
Do you have bad habits you’d like to break? Maybe you attract the same type of friends or you’re feeling blocked,like good things never happen to you? Are you struggling with depression or anxiety? A Transformational Reading can help you unlock the YOU that is waiting behind all of this. Together we can shift you into a higher vibration so you can start to let go of what no longer resonates with you in order to attract ALL that you desire.
A Message from Maria
Hi! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to see what I’m up to. Things are moving so fast now–we’re all feeling it in one way or another. Let me ask you a question before I tell you about me. How are you feeling? Are you having trouble with reoccurring health issues, toxic relationships, or abundance lack? Are you in your own healing business but not attracting in the clients to sustain you? When we work together I look at what’s blocking you so we can remove the Generational Imprints, Limiting Beliefs, Outdated Programs, and Karmic Ties/Relationships to give you the life you truly desire.
Do you have bad habits you’d like to break? Maybe you attract the same type of friends or you’re feeling blocked,like good things never happen to you? Are you struggling with depression or anxiety? A Healing or Spiritual Reading can help you unlock the YOU that is waiting behind all of this. Together we can shift you into a higher vibration so you can start to let go of what you no longer want and attract in ALL that you desire.
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My Own Healing Journey
My work is ever-evolving to meet the needs of those of you who are looking to expand your consciousness in your healing journey or your ascension process. I started my healing journey in 2000 through cancer, which I was fortunate to catch at a very early stage. It started me on the path to healthy eating and taking care of my body, but when it returned in 2004, I realized something was still out of balance within me.
That second time pushed me into my own healing journey, which took shape through my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2005. I started to activate my intuition that I had suppressed for many years, only to find myself enrolling in a Reiki I & II class shortly after. I went on to become certified to teach Usui & Karuna Reiki. It became my obsession to understand how the body works so I could understand how we can heal. My work has shifted and I no longer practice Reiki as it was an activator for me in going deeper into my understanding of the energy body, which led me to what I do now as a Transformational Alchemist, Intuitive Healer, and Herbalist.
“It became my obsession
to understand how the body works
so I could understand how we can heal.”
My own personal journey of healing has brought me to a whole new place with not only my health but with my overall well-being. I have carried lack my whole life. Money always seemed to be difficult to come by. This was another indicator, besides cancer, showing me that my vibration was low and I was not in alignment with my Universe. My awareness of the overall picture of my life now became the basis for my work and I realized if I was going to truly benefit anyone else I needed to start with me. I’ve accessed new heights within myself that I never realized were possible.
I healed cancer and in the process of reclaiming my life I’ve had several amazing shifts in my spiritual being in which I’ve accessed another higher self aspect. The latest to become known to me is F*A*I*T*H, standing for Frequency Activator Intermediary Transcending Humanity. Through this presence, I am now able to bring through Key Codes to activate the codes held in those I work with. This has been such an amazing part of my journey and I’m so honored to be able to share it in all I do. Whether we work in person, through Zoom, by phone, or through a YouTube video, you receive an activation.
“To stay in ‘Creator’ states of being I express myself through art which brings me great joy. Creating is key in accessing the Source/Creator state within us, creating activates joy which brings us into 5D naturally.
Being creative can mean writing, art, music, dance, sports, yoga etc. or anything that makes you feel amazing and allows you to express yourself in a positive way.”
Let’s Work Together
If you are wanting change, I would love to work with you to assist you in bringing that through in all areas of your life. My sessions are like talking to an old friend, filled with compassion and intuitive healing. I’ll even give you some tools to take with you to assist you in reaching your goals in between sessions. Sessions can be done in person at my home location, through Zoom, or by phone. I also offer classes to assist with your spiritual development.
When we work together, whether it’s in a private session or class setting, my goal is to assist you in feeling Self-empowered by bringing you to a place of greater personal insight and awareness through integrity and unconditional love. It’s YOUR journey and all about YOU!
Praise for Maria Deesy
“I have crossed paths with several intuitive energy healers and spiritual mentors along my ascension journey however Maria Deesy is the only one…”
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Announcing our New Monthly Series “Accessing Your Inner Healer”
2023 is all about spiritual growth and healing which means this community will be shifting gears focusing more on healing as we move through 2023 and into the next 10 years. In this new series, “Accessing Your Inner Healer” we will be talking more about our energetic body, how/why we get sick and how to heal. This series will include a deep dive into Energy as Medicine, how our energy body works, how energy gets blocked, as well as identifying the cause/trigger/source of the illness along with ways in which we can approach healing. As always, your interaction and questions are highly encouraged.
The goal of this community has always been to provide a safe, sacred space where each can be on their individual and unique Ascension path and yet come together as a community to expand our consciousness in Unity and receive the necessary tools to immerse yourself in order to achieve a life that is abundant and fulfilling where you get to choose your reality in each moment.
Copyright © 2025 Maria Deesy | All Rights Reserved